Monday, April 8, 2013

the newspaper: April 8, 2013

April 8, 2013
affposts - We All Start From Zero
In my recent post on Five Reasons Why People Can't Make Money Online, I got an interesting comment from SEO for Marketing. Great post. But the time also matters. When you started blogging it was not that many who were [...] Be the first to comment... Related Posts:No, Tomorrow Is Not The Start O... - Building A Money Making Blog That Doesn't Depend On Google Traffic?
The worst thing that can happen to a blogger is a drop in search engine rankings. If that happens to you all of a sudden you lose motivation to write more content and your blog slowly starts dying because nobody reads your posts. The question is: Can you still make money with a blog if [...]...
AffiliateTip - Improve ROI with Call Performance Marketing at Affiliate Summit East 2011
This was a conference session titled Improve ROI with Call Performance Marketing from Affiliate Summit East 2011, which took place August 21-23, 2011 in New York City. Session speakers: Rob Duva, Chief Operating Officer, RingRevenue (Moderator) Don Batsford, Jr., Partner, 31 Media Jeremy Siders, Par...
11 new posts were added to affposts yesterday!
IMGrind - Keeping Your Head Up When Others Want To See You Fail
Most of us are familiar with the saying, “haters are going to hate.”  But one thing a lot of people don’t talk about is how to handle when everyone wants to see you fail.  Rumors, gossip, and hearsay can be a bitch especially when it comes from those close to you.  Over the last...
Dukeo - Blog Design – When to Go for a Professional Template?
Do a Google search for free WordPress themes or any other free blogging template and you’ll find them all over the Web. Some of these freebies look like a million bucks, and some are designed with rotating headers or rotating feature images. At first glance it’s hard to believe these tem...
Blogging Tips - Several Ways To Pick A Blog Topic
As soon as you start blogging, you’ll soon realize it’s sink or swim. The Internet is insatiable and you need to keep feeding it fresh content or your blog will disappear like a grain of sand buried on a beach. The idea is to set up a few different systems so you can keep writing compell... - new and relevant affiliate marketing blog posts

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