April 18, 2013 |
In this MarketingExperiments blog post, hear about how a below the fold call-to-action lead to a 220% increase in leads for SIerra Tuscon.... |
Consider these 4 SEO copywriting tips carefully. While they may seem obvious, old habits die hard and you may be hurting your rankings and conversions without even realizing it...... |
I’m sure some of you sat in on my talk at the A4D meetup. And or read through my Deck I posted a week ago. But If you only saw the deck then you might have looked at this one point and said “oh yeah that makes sense” and then moved on. But out of [...]... |
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Yesterday, Google announced that they were going to retire the Google Affiliate Network. The final closure date has not been announced, but they said, “We'll continue to support our customers as we wind down the product over the next few months.” That leaves lots of affiliates in a pos... |
I find it kind of ironic that BuySellAds, the leader in banner advertising, uses pay per click advertising to promote their business. Surely, if banner advertising is so amazing, they should be using that to promote themselves? Anyway, following on in my series of Analysing PPC Campaigns where I las... |
Does your to-do list look like this? Hopefully not. I’d be worried if your day involved my balls. One of the easiest ways to tell apart an affiliate marketer from another online professional is by inspecting his clusterfuck of a to-do list. On it you will find tasks that defy pattern, logic an... |
I realize I am one of the few that still uses EPN. I’m not sure why. Over the lifespan of my internet marketing career it has been my most consistent revenue stream. Despite all the crap people talk (or used to talk) about them in the industry, in my experience with them they have been [...]... |
Experienced Performance Marketing Managers know that strong relationships are the most important aspect of working with publishers/affiliates, but sadly not all managers have learned this lesson. During a panel at Affiliate Management Days in San Francisco, three "Super Affiliates" – ̷... |
Facebook is testing a new link format with larger photos and no headline or summary. Another test looks the same as other link posts, but includes a small icon in the bottom right corner to indicate...... |
To celebrate the successful launch of IM John Chow, where I show you exactly how to create a full time passive income stream so you can live the Dot Com Lifestyle, I going to give away some cool prizes. I’m [...] Be the first to comment... Related Posts:Win an Apple iPad and Access To Bloggi... |
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