Friday, April 12, 2013

the newspaper: April 12, 2013

April 12, 2013
affposts - A Day in My Life – Getting the Most Out of Your 24 Hours
When you picture an internet marketer, what do you imagine their day to be like? Some gurus will paint a picture of a guy working a few hours a week from his laptop on a beach in Thailand. On the other hand, if you follow the updates or tweets of some guys, 4am bedtimes and 18 hour work days seem t... - 4 Backlink Strategies That You've Never Tried
If you’re like me, you’ve read just about enough about link building with press releases and web 2.o properties. Well you’re in for a treat… Because today I’m going to pull back the curtain and show you 4 powerful link building strategies that I use to rank sites in ins...
KJ Rocker - Secrets of Successful Facebook Marketing for New Affiliates
Facebook is a well known traffic source for all CPA affiliates. I used facebook to drive traffic to my offers when I was n`t able to afford paid traffic  and it is a great source to make money if done right, here are a few tips for those of you struggling with facebook traffic. 1. [...]...
31 new posts were added to affposts yesterday!
AWeber - Identifying Your Target Audience: The Story Of Penny
Trying to grow your email list? Then it makes sense you’ll be happy when new people subscribe to your list. But here’s a tale from Corrina Gordon-Barnes of You Inspire Me of why you should also be happy when people unsubscribe… When I started my email list back in 2006, Penny was o...
PPC Ian - Fun Times at ad:tech San Francisco 2013
I’m a huge fan of SEM conferences, especially ad:tech. I attended ad:tech San Francisco 2013 earlier this week, on Tuesday, and wanted to share some thoughts and fun pictures from the event. After reading today’s post, you may also want to check out my recap of ad:tech 2012. To everyone ... - Using XML or CSV to Create Massive Affiliate Product Sites
Back when I first started making money online in the mid to late 90′s I did a lot of web site creation and promoting of Amazon’s associate program. Back then the web was young and I didn’t know how to program anything, so what I did was copy the content from Amazon, place it on [.....
Inside Facebook - Facebook acquires stealth startup Osmeta
Facebook has acquired stealth software startup Osmeta, TechCrunch reports today. The deal was apparently completed last month. A Facebook spokesperson confirmed the acquisition, but did not offer any additional information. Osmeta did not share an update......
Matthew Woodward - Ahrefs vs Majestic SEO – The 1 Million Domain Showdown
If you don’t have time to read this post terminate your Majestic SEO account immediately & take out the Ahrefs trial instead without hesitation. The which backlink checker is best argument constantly shows up on forums. I tried to get to the bottom of this with my Ahrefs vs Majestic SE...
BoostCTR - You Are Not Your Prospect
Ad copywriters have a bad habit of writing copy that appeals to them, rather than to the prospect. Sometimes it works out, if the copywriters have roughly the same needs and sensibilities as the prospect. But most of the time it doesn’t. So check out this ad contest and see if you can’...
Copyblogger - The State of Pinterest: What Content Marketers Need to Know Now
The buzz about Pinterest seems to have calmed down a bit in the last few months, but it’s still a very powerful tool for content marketers. According to a study by SimplyMeasured, 69 of the world’s top 100 brands now have Pinterest accounts, and Pinterest is still driving more traffic to...
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