Saturday, November 16, 2013

the newspaper: November 16, 2013

November 16, 2013
Ivan Ong - Best CPA Marketing Training Program Ever?
I know i hasn’t been updating my students results for about 2 months now. And some actually thought what happen to my students and my training program. i saw some comments like this: “Maybe Ivan didn’t update his student’s progress because they are not earning […]The po...
Matthew Woodward - Why Raven Tools Must Not Be Trusted
One of the motivating factors for starting this blog was because I was sick and tired of seeing the reputation of the internet marketing/SEO industry getting trashed. I’ve taken a close look at Majestic SEO along with Matt & Brad Callen in the past. When I asked Matt Cutts what he like...
AffiliateTip - Preferred Methods of Affiliate Commissions in 2013
Affiliates were asked “How many affiliate programs are you currently promoting?” for the 2013 Affiliate Summit AffStat Report. The most popular response, at 53.6%, was direct deposit, followed by 28.1% for PayPal. Then there were 15% who still like getting a check, as well as 1.3% favori...
28 new posts were added to affposts yesterday!
affiliates4u - Email is not Dead, it Needs More Focus on Lead Generation
For all of the cynics’ claims that email is dead or dying, the reality is that it’s never been a more relevant or valuable channel for online marketers. Unfortunately, much of what passes as email marketing ...... - How Much is a Pinterest "Pin" Worth?
Pinterest has millions of users and it’s a site that is talked about all the time in the world of online marketing. The problem with Pinterest is that it still mystifies so many people. You are either using it, or you aren’t. Unfortunately I’ve been one of those persons who hasn...
Zac Johnson - How Much Do Celebrities Get Paid for Sponsored Tweets?
How much would you pay to have a celebrity go on TV and wear your company brand or drink your product? In most cases you can’t put a price on it, but you know it will have an effect on the viewing audience and especially the loyal fans of whoever is using it. However, does […]The post Ho...
BoostCTR - Does Your Offer Seem To Good to Be True?
OK, pick your winner: And the winner is…. Ad B, which boosted Click-Through Rates by 20% — an amount that normally wouldn't qualify as a Win of the Week, but I think the reasons behind the win make it an interesting contest. So the question is: "What IS Free Business Card Design"...
Ever want to know who is tracking you? Or at least who besides the NSA? Firefox users now have the opportunity with a new add-on called Lightbeam for Firefox which creates a visualization of your browsing history and analyzes which applications are tracking or monitoring you online. Plus it draws co... - Shawn Collins – Personal Branding Spotlight
Shawn Collins is a very well known name in the world of internet and affiliate marketing. Not only has Shawn found success with affiliate marketing but he has been able to take advantage of his previous experience in the industry … Continued...
Smaxor - Have Employees? Are you getting the most out of them?
3:30 am on a Saturday morning. I’ve been traveling around the world and my timezones are all messed up. So I woke up after going to bed at 10pm and started looking at Facebook to catch up with where friends … Continue reading →...
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