Friday, November 1, 2013

the newspaper: November 1, 2013

November 1, 2013
AffiliateFix - Introducing the Outstanding Contribution Award and the First Winners
AffiliateTip - Steve Denton to Keynote Affiliate Summit West 2014
Steve Denton will be a keynote speaker at Affiliate Summit West 2014 on Monday, January 13, 2014 at Paris Las Vegas. Steve Denton is the vice president of Marketing Solutions for eBay Enterprise. Denton joined eBay Enterprise in 2010 as the president of eBay Enterprise Media and was most recently re...
Ivan Ong - Protected: CPA Super Affiliate Live Workshop DVD Is Now Ready
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post....
36 new posts were added to affposts yesterday!
PPC Hero - Best Practices: Optimizing Your Bids By Time of Day
IMGrind - Direct Site Buying Tips For CPA Offers
Direct site media buying is one of the highest ROI advertising methods online. It is simply buying banner ads and text links on high-traffic websites and forums and sending them to affiliate offers. There are a lot of misconceptions about display advertising, mostly that users have "banner blindne...
Zac Johnson - How to Make Any Business Successful
Running a successful business has nothing to do with how smart you are, your level of education or even your previous job positions. Having your own successful business is all about your work ethic, dedication, passion and the way your mind thinks. I’ll be the first to tell you that I wasnR...
HubSpot - 7 Ways Twitter Can Help Juice Your Content Creation
class="alignLeft shadow" There are plenty of ways marketers can use Twitter for business that you probably already know about, like prospecting, customer service, and lead generation. But as inbound marketers, we know that content creation is also one of our top priorities. So ... is Twitter a tool ...
Marketing Experiments - Email Marketing: Simple design change to incentive raises clickthrough rate from the dead by 48%
Increasing conversion through testing can seem almost indistinguishable from magic when done right. Read on in today's MarketingExperiments Blog post to learn how a change in color emphasis increased conversion 48%....
Performance Marketing Insider - Jonas Brother to Keynote ad:tech
Ad:tech, the largest digital marketing conference in the world has announced that one of the Jonas Brothers, specifically Kevin Jonas is going to be keynoting at ad:tech. Not sure if this is an attempt to persuade thongs of teenagers to join the digital marketing revolution, or that some of the wome...
Clickbooth - Clickbooth Team Celebrates Halloween!!!
Halloween is always a favorite holiday at the Clickbooth Headquarters! Our team goes over the top with decorations, costumes, and even homemade treats! Today CB employees will be competing for a $500 Grand Prize!!! Here are some of our contestants below, but be sure to check back tomorrow to seeR...
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