Wednesday, February 13, 2013

the newspaper: February 13, 2013

February 13, 2013
affposts - New Affiliate Marketing Record: $7,097 in 1 Day!
Yes, it’s another new affiliate marketing record post… This record was actually made back on February 3rd, 2013, just 1 day after my previous record of $6,585, but I thought that you guys might be starting to get tired of these posts, so I opted to publish a different post inbetween. It is v... - Introduction to Content Locking, the Basics
If you’re an avid reader of Ian’s blog, I am sure that you have experience with the popular offer promotion methods used in affiliate marketing today (i.e. PPC, display, email). However, if you haven’t tried content locking yet, you're missing out on a chance to easily increase y...
PeerFly Blog - Email Submit Compliance Reminder
A lot of PeerFly publishers promote email submits, zip submits, and short form offers. These offers typically convert great and are a good fit for those new to marketing.  They help publishers really get the hang of paid traffic sources, tracking, and optimization. It should be noted, however, that...
AMNavigator - Infographic: How Affiliate Marketing Compares to Referral Marketing
I myself often use a type of referral marketing [like the ice-cream truck example here] to illustrate what affiliate marketing is, generally, about. However, while there are some similarities, there are also quite a number of differences, and I was pleased to come across an infographic which reflec... - Increase Page Views And Get More Traffic With Zemanta Related Posts Plugin
Your ultimate goal as blogger is to keep your visitors on your site as long as possible. The longer they stay the more money your site will make. I would say that if you can keep them on your blog for longer than 2-3 minutes you are doing not bad. When someone makes a search and [...]...
Copyblogger - 6 Ways to Find an Audience that Hangs on Your Every Word
What's one thing content marketers really want? You want an audience that hangs on your every word. Loyal fans are the foundation of your business, and they’re the best guarantee of your entrepreneurial success. You can read a lot of powerful advice on how to build a powerful relationship wi... - Why Your PPC Landing Page's Load Time Matters
When it comes to creating a landing page for your PPC campaign, we all know there are many different types of landing pages you can choose from with being micro-sites, lead capture pages, infomercial pages and so on. I am sure there are many many article out there on the internet telling adverti...
AffiliateTip - Gmail Meter, Publishing a Kindle Book, and #PMS13 Selling Out
This week on the Affiliate Thing podcast (listen to the latest Affiliate Thing), Lisa Picarille and Shawn Collins talked about getting Kindle books published, Affiliate Summit acquiring ReveNews, and Performance Marketing Summit selling out. They also talked about marketing Valentine’s Day, wh... - California Court Rules Bizop Class Action Suits Don't Hold Water
Class actions against dietary supplement sellers. Text marketers. Biz-op providers. You name it, and a class action has disturbed the peace of many a direct response marketer in recent times. Nary a weight-loss supplement client of this attorney seems to have been spared. Financially unable or unwil...
Blogging Tips - Using Social Media to Decry Brands will Cost you Highly Now
How many times have we used social media to "slag off brands"? Many, most of us would say. A recent case has shown that brands are ever more careful in monitoring social media presence and wouldn’t hesitate to take you to court and claim damages. Read the story of Leah Madden. She went t... - new and relevant affiliate marketing blog posts

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1 comment:

  1. Did you know that you can generate money by locking premium pages of your blog / site?
    Simply join AdscendMedia and add their content locking tool.
