Saturday, February 2, 2013

How To Improve Inbound Link Profile?

Running a website and facing harm from the low-quality link building efforts isn’t a weird thing to be heard. Many businesses complain of getting harmed either due to intentional or unintentional low quality link building or due to competitors’ attempts. How to improve the inbound link profile of a website in terms of important SEO considerations? Here is the guide to help web masters!  In this post I will teach you how to improve inbound link profiles!
What Should Be The Standard Links-To-Root-Domains Ratio?
Although there is no specific standard, but lower is a better option. Providing content to a highly reputed website on continuous basis helps in getting more links from that site.
What about articles having minimum PA and DA?
Page Authority and Domain Authority numbers are usually not trustworthy. These numbers don’t reveal trust, relevancy, and quality, and aren’t good indicators.

How to remove the bad links?
Identify the bad links by reviewing the inbound links. How to determine which link is problematic? Here are the tips:
  • Link coming from link selling site.
  • Link coming from a low quality website.
  • Website carries poor quality content.
  • Link isn’t present within the main page content.
  • There is LINK or SEO mentioned in the site name or page title.
  • Page title not relevant to the target market.
  • Domain country is not included in the list of target market.
  • Your vendor has placed the link on a forum profile page.
  • Directory having links to the irrelevant site pages.
  • Directory having links to the websites with keyword stuffed names.
  • After the review is done, contact the problematic sites to remove the links. Email, phone call, or site contact form can be used for that purpose. Note down the contact information and date in a separate spreadsheet.
  • Whether response is received or not received, mention it in the spreadsheet.
How to get confident about quality results of a link building company?
Here are the points to be considered by any client while contracting in with any web marketing company offering link-building services:
  • Recommendations given in any audit implementations plan would be followed. The recommendations include link quality, diversity, as well as type.
  • They have to provide few samples of fresh and unique content.
  • Approval would be taken before placing the content.
  • Reports to be provided should be detailed and on monthly basis.
  • The content placement sites should also be mentioned in the report.
  • Approval should be taken before placing site list and links.
  • Action plans should also be there in the report.
  • Description of actual implemented actions should also be there in the report.
The above-mentioned guide doesn’t have the final words, as you can contact any professional SEO firm for reliable support. It’s your right to negotiate with any vendor providing professional services to help your website getting good links and good ranks at search engines.

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