Thursday, September 26, 2013

the newspaper: September 26, 2013

September 26, 2013
Inside Facebook - Slideshow: Mark Zuckerberg at TechCrunch Disrupt
Recently, Facebook CEO and Co-Founder Mark Zuckerberg took the stage at TechCrunch Disrupt in San Francisco for a wide-ranging interview with TechCrunch Founder Michael Arrington. Zuckerberg discussed plans for as well as learning Mandarin Chinese,......
Click Conversion - How you can Boost Your Online Traffic Through Effective Keyword Research
Keyword Research continues to be the cornerstone of successful content and large amounts of traffic. Many website owners didn’t realize the power of keyword research and then once they finally started to implement it in their content, saw large increases of traffic. There are a few different w...
IMGrind - 2.5 Billion Of The World's 4.3 Billion Mobile Phone Users Come From Just One Region
I caught these statistics on eMarketer this morning showing the Asia-Pacific region having nearly 2.5 billion of the world’s 43. billion mobile phone users this year. These of course, are expected to increase. eMarketer estimates that 2.43 billion people in Asia-Pacific will use a mobile phone...
39 new posts were added to affposts yesterday!
Clickbooth - PayPal Wants to Give You Money
PayPal has introduced PayPal Working Captial, a single, fixed-rate bank loan created to help e-commerce sites quickly and efficiently acquire funds to fuel their businesses. PayPal’s new service recognizes e-commerce sites can benefit from a resource providing funds fast to expand business ef...
Copyblogger - How a Stay-at-Home Mom Built a Million-Dollar Business (from Her Living Room) through Passionate Online Marketing

 Kelly Lester's business is hugely successful (she's on track to make $1.5 million in 2013) and it came straight from the kitchen. She's built her brand by working closely with bento bloggers and other diehard fans of her product. And, at the center of her business strategy is a surprising secret...
ShoeMoney - Buying or selling a website? How much should I pay or sell for? Part 1
This ShoeMoney Question was sent in by Mark from Gainesville, Florida. Because Mark’s question was chosen he will receive a ShoeMoney Shirt and a signed copy of my best selling book “Nothing’s Changed but my Change – The ShoeMoney Story”. To submit your question just e...
PeerFly - Troubleshooting the Conversion Test Wizard
We launched the first version of our conversion tester a few months ago and overall have been pretty pleased with its performance. That said, there are a few situations that will prevent the test lead from firing. We’re working to get the kinks out, but until then here are a few points to cons...
Zac Johnson - Grow Your Twitter Following with Twiends
Have you ever wondered how some people on Twitter have so many followers? It’s quite easy for a celebrity or well known figure to get millions of followers on Twitter, but what about everyone else that isn’t so well known? Sure, you could go out and buy a ton of followers through a garba...
ClickNewz - Video: Open Discussion About Product Creation
This is NOT a Sales Video. If anything, it's UN-copy, lol. Casual discussion about creating my Signature Product, how it came about, and what's going on behind the scenes... ...
HubSpot - The 8 Types of CTAs You Need to Have on Your Website
There's no one-size-fits-all solution for calls-to-action. You can't just slap the words "Click Here" on a red button, put it everywhere on your site that you want people to click, and then start to rake in leads and customers. Effective calls-to-action (CTAs) are a bit more complex than t...
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